A Straightforward Plea To The Fans
Ever since I chose to mark “professional deathmatch wrestler” as my occupation on my income tax returns, people have been telling me that...
9/9/09 (CZWrestling.com Article)
So, I was taping up Penthouse centerfolds at playgrounds today (like you do) and I got a call from [an undisclosed source] that Sami...
4/25/07 (CZWrestling.com Article)
Well, CZW fans (not CZWfans, mind you…), I have good news and bad news. Mostly bad news, though. Come to think of it, even the good...
Dear John...
We'll Always Have The Memories... ...and the hideous, disfiguring scars... At this juncture, I feel that it’s pertanent for someone to...
...My Bad (CZWrestling.com Article)
Well...Would YOU want to be his partner?!? ...Well, okay…I guess it looks like—once again—I’ve got some ‘splaining to do.* ...