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David gill @G187The

@DannyHavocSite can I ask is there any type of death match that you think just sucks ? Havoc for @combatzone hall of fame #AskHavoc

It isn't clear whether you're asking about matches that suck "pain-wise" (i.e.-"they suck to do"), or that suck "quality-wise" I'll briefly answer both. In terms of pain, I'd probably have to say that the gusset plate match is probably the most painful stipulation match I've taken part in...but I didn't really mind doing it. In terms of things that suck to do, I'd have to place salt and fishhooks as worse, if not for the pain, then more for the annoyance factor. Salt gets everywhere and then whenever you hit the mat, it flies up and gets in your eyes. It's a real bitch. And fishhooks, man...they're just a real pain in the ass to remove.

As far as matches that suck in terms of quality...while I do think that there's always something to be done to make a match entertaining with the right kind of creative thinking, I tend to think that any of the variants on the "Unlucky 13" matches (staple guns/light tubes/whatever) are always asking a lot of the participants to make them interesting.

Oh yeah...anything with the prefix "barefoot"...fuck that. I did a few, and I never want to do another.

Nightlife @AnimeKing420

@DannyHavocSite what is lucky's best attribute? #AskHavoc

Lucky is a man of many great attributes. He's an incredible athlete, he's hilarious, he's criminally underrated (although I'm pleased to say that I finally see that changing), and he's extremely good at gaining body mass at a rate of which I'm very suspicious... However, if pressed to select the very best, I'd say it's his apparent total disinterest in other people's opinions. This is what makes him such an admirable figure in my estimation, and what makes me like him so much. He seems to be almost entirely unphased by (and largely unaware of) the rest of the 7 billion other humans that inhabit this Earth. Of course, there's a flipside to this, which involves a lack of self-promotion and promoters tending to think he's disinterested in bookings, but...well, if you're too cool for school all the time, don't be surprised when you don't know how to read. *I don't really know what that's supposed to mean, but it applies to him, I'm almost sure...*

pillow. @antapult

Do you have aspirations to get higher than independent wrestling? (WWE, TNA, etc.) #AskHavoc

My first inclination is to make the [fairly obvious] joke; "my aspiration is ALWAYS to get higher..." But I'll take the high road. *Tee-hee*

In all honesty...this is a complex question. I know that I will never be what the WWE is looking for...I know this, and I'm totally fine with it. Of course, there's a part of me that wants to achieve the very most I can in my chosen profession, and it stands to reason that the WWE is pretty much that...but I've never had any interest, desire, or aspiration to be there. I don't care for the product (although it's definitely getting better with every Moxley/Pac/Brodie-level guy they scoop up), and I don't want the lifestyle. I don't want to be on the road year-round; I'm not quite that dedicated to wrestling. I'd love the salary, of course, but these are the trade-off's you make when plotting your life's course.

As far as TNA...I can't honestly say I've watched any of it in a couple years...I know they did some pretty cool stuff in the hardcore and high-flying divisions to show up the WWE when they first got big, but I couldn't tell you what they're about now. I know there was a time when Marvin (Brain Damage) was talking to some people who apparently gave him the impression that TNA might be pushing the hardcore division a bit more, to act as the counterpoint to the WWE's "PG13" era...but nothing ever came of it. At the time, I was keen on the idea...I'm sure, if somebody with some money was interested in funneling it into a product that I felt I could be proud of and invest in, I'd be all about it. If somebody wanted to create an "FMW" for America, I'd be into the thick of it in a heartbeat. But that will never happen. The genre of wrestling that I love and have sacrificed my health to help keep alive was never meant for big business or big audiences here in the States, and will forever be relegated to a cult audience. And I--at my very height of accomplishment--am relegated to being a minor cult figure. And that's okay. I can't say that I've never done anything that I didn't want to do, but I can say with pride that the vast majority of my "career" as a wrestler has been carried out on my terms.

There's something in that...

Unfortunately, it just isn't money...

J @Jedi_316

@DannyHavocSite Would you ever move to Japan and wrestle full time there if possible? #AskHavoc

I can't say that I have a great desire for this...Japan, whilst I love to visit, is not a culture to which my disposition or chosen lifestyle are particularly agreeable. However, with that said; if the opportunity were to arise that I be offered a competitive salary and some kind of decent lodging situation, I could probably be persuaded to spend a good portion of the year over there, plying my trade and earning a living for it. Should such an offer ever come down the pipeline, I'd be a fool not to consider it, at least.

RandomThings.Co @RandomThingsCo

@DannyHavocSite #askhavoc Why do you hate the term "Dick Drizzle"?

Despite what you may infer about me from my unsavory public persona, I like to think of myself as a gentleman at heart; as such, I'm not at all fond of crudeness, crassness, or "bathroom humor." It is because of this that I find the day-to-day reality of working alongside [the man who posed this question] Mr. Gery Wellknown to be routinely offensive and bordering on torturous, as he feels compelled to discuss in great detail every unpleasant bodily function and bowel-related joke that crosses his mind. Why we are friends, I really couldn't say...

George Gatton @GeorgeGatton

@DannyHavocSite Favorite George: Gatton or Jekyll? #AskHavoc

Jekyll, obviously. Had you asked this question in earnest when there was still time to amend the situation, you and DJ (Hyde and Jekyll, for the slow-witted) would be the tag-team-"Master Blaster"-sensation you were destined to be by now...instead, I'm drunk at Dojo Wars making bad puns about you "Gatton Over," and I'm ashamed of myself for it. You could have at least been the "Lebaneasy Rider," for the sake of our friendship...

Miranada Frisinger @DumaFrisinger

@DannyHavocSite #askhavoc Can I lick you?

Well...sure. I can't see why not, I guess. You don't have the Bubonic plague or Leprosy, do you??

Ami @happypeep

@DannyHavocSite What's a move you hate taking? #AskHavoc

All the ones in which I have to leave my feet, at this point. In seriousness, though...the Drake's Landing was particularly vicious (multiple neck and shoulder traumas), I am absolutely NOT up to the athletic task of taking the Canadian Destroyer, and getting punched in the face by Brain Damage is far worse than any of the aforementioned.

Nash @artbynash

@DannyHavocSite #Askhavoc when will we do art together?

That would be neat. Why didn't you ask earlier? You're far better at what you do than I am at what I do (unless we're referring to binge-drinking, in which case I probably win), but maybe I could sketch something up and you could paint it and make it "art?" Could be cool. Hit me up.

Lariat Winslow @Lariat_Winslow

@DannyHavocSite Is there anything comparable to an S Club party?

To the best of my knowledge (which is expansive, on the subject of partying), there really isn't anything which can hold a candle to an S Club party. This judgement is based primarily upon the indisputable fact that an S Club party--unlike most of it's contemporaries--does not, in fact, ever stop. How could any other party, finite such as they are, ever hope to compare?

Lariat Winslow @Lariat_Winslow

@DannyHavocSite In seriousness, from a culture/political/moral aspect, how would you define/create a utopian society?

Have you seen "Mad Max?" Kinda like that, but with a plentiful abundance of water.

And an intravenous MDMA drip for everyone.

Lariat Winslow @Lariat_Winslow

@DannyHavocSite What do you think about genetic engineering/gene splicing and how will that affect the future?

This cat-girl is pretty attractive, I'm not gonna lie. Does that blur the lines of beastiality? Do I care? Probably not. I'd like to be crossed with a Pangolin. As to how it fits into my predicted vision of the future: it probably doesn't. I expect we'll all find a way to kill each other (or nature will, but it will be our doing, ultimately) far before anyone gets a handle on making cat-people that are sexy and not just hideous abominations of lumpy flesh begging for mercy killing from overturned petri dishes.

brendan @brendantyler

@DannyHavocSite what are your favorite Norwegian death metal band(s)? #AskHavoc

Gorgoroth has to top the list. Mayhem is fun, but mostly for the story behind them. I like Vintersorg, but they're Swedish, and not technically Death Metal.

Bobby Virtue @RobTheVirtuous

Hey @DannyHavocSite been to any good bars? #AskHavoc

Not recently. All of the bars I used to like around here have been closed down for various reasons (most of them involving shady goings-on, I'll wager). Dominic's tavern in Bellmawr, NJ has great wings, but I won't vouch for the atmosphere. Ever since they closed the Pennant, I have no idea where to go on Wednesdays to get into fights...

My favorite bars in America are both in Wisconsin (which is unsurprising when you consider that--statistically--MOST bars in America are in Wisconsin). The first is the Red Room in Sturgeon Bay, WI (66 South 3rd Ave, to be precise), owned by my pal Nick Hoffman's family. I've had a lot of very good times there, and they've been very permissive with my friends and my penchant for behaving badly. Lucky's served drinks in his underwear there, and Drake has danced on the tables (until getting dick-punched by Necro Butcher for "behavior unbecoming a World Champion").

My other favorite bar is The Slough/Al's Marina/The Polish Yacht Club/River Rat's Bar and Grill (it's been called all of those over the years...the latter is current, I believe) in French Island, WI. It's a small, divey bar, facing the Black River (an offshoot of the Mississippi), and it's been slowly sinking into the banks on which it's built for years. Sooner or later, it's going to topple into the river. What this means for the drunken patron is this: the more you drink, the more you can't help but stumble back toward the bar. You try to go to the jukebox, but somehow you just keep ending up back at the bar...and while you're there, you may as well order another drink, eh? It's a very strategic way to capitalize on an impending disaster. It's like the Silly Silo started serving booze. I've seen more RIDICULOUS examples of extreme drunkenness there than probably anywhere else I've been.

Jess @palaceofwisdomx

#AskHavoc If you could tag team with anyone from ECW who would it be and what would you want your team to be called?

I dunno...maybe the "Extreme Shaw" Hack Myers. Because I've always wanted clarification as to what a "Shaw" was, "Extreme" or otherwise. Or Antifaz del Norte, just because I like his name. I have no thoughts whatsoever on what the team would be called. Maybe "The Midsomer Nightmares"...we'd only wrestle in late June-early July every year, but we'd cause devastation for that brief time. Or maybe not. I don't know. I'm pretty high...

brett lauderdale @Lauderdale11

@DannyHavocSite Does Danny still enjoy eating Ketchup salad? #AskHavoc

Yes, it's delicious. Ketchup is good on everything. And Oreos are better with a slice of cheese. These are facts.

brett lauderdale @Lauderdale11

.@DannyHavocSite What is Danny's take on the beef between Birdman and Lil Wayne? #AskHavoc

Alright, Lauderdale...I'll rise to your challenge. Let's see, what do I know? I'm fairly certain the latter is a rap music performer. To my knowledge, the former is a character who appeared on Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, then later was given his own spin-off, which I had little interest in. From these context clues, I can surmise that the rapper must have "dissed" the cartoon superhero/lawyer in some way...they're often doing that, I'm told. And presumably, there was some sort of rebuttal made by the animated vigilante, which probably "took it to a new level." Given what I know about the situation, I'm inclined to side with the cartoon man. Because rap has all been downhill since the Geto Boys stopped dropping hot tracks.

Dfb @dfb9390

@DannyHavocSite What does Danny Havoc think of the amount of wrestlers who stopped working for CZW #AskHavoc

Well, that question is a little vague. Which wrestlers? The ones who got contracted to work for the WWE? I'm happy for them. It's great to see people I consider to be friends do well for themselves. The ones who quit wrestling? I suspect they all have their reasons, and there's no broad-brush answer that's applicable to that query. The ones who decided to "defect" to other companies? I think it's a shame, because CZW has all the potential in the world, but it's hard to capitalize upon without deep pockets and the right direction. I tend to be disappointed when I hear that one of my peers/friends has left to go to ROH or some other place that doesn't allow for them to continue to work for the Dub, but I'm sure they all have their reasons, and I don't blame them.

brett lauderdale @Lauderdale11

.@DannyHavocSite Who does Danny think is the most valuable of this offseasons NFL Unrestricted Free Agents is? #AskHavoc

Without question, Ty Cobb.

brett lauderdale @Lauderdale11

@DannyHavocSite Is the party, in fact, at Paul's? #AskHavoc

As far as I can tell, yes. It's definitely a South Jersey hotspot, attracting the young and desirable social elite. It's also a great place to receive a complementary eye surgery, I'm told.

David Russell @Davidnj32

Danny in all of your death matches in iwa mid south who was your toughest opponent? #AskHavoc

The fact that you've included "in IWA Mid-South" in your question implies to me that you are asking about someone that I specifically wrestled there, yes? I suppose probably Necro would top that list. He, MASADA, and Brain Damage are without question three of the toughest I've ever faced, and he's the only one of those who I wrestled in IWA, to the best of my recollection.

Kristinツ @Kriss10Nicole

@DannyHavocSite When are you coming back to good old Emmetsburg?

June. My sister is being wed, I'm told. So I'll be attending that, I suppose. And I shall see you there, cuz. Looking forward to it.

brett lauderdale @Lauderdale11

.@DannyHavocSite What match is Danny most looking forward to at Wrestlemania? #AskDanny

Hulk Hogan and Mr. T vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff. Can't wait to see how that one turns out...

Lariat Winslow @Lariat_Winslow

@DannyHavocSite How does Danny's typical risk/benefit analysis go? #AskDanny

If I think I can survive it, I'll consider it. If I think I can do it with relatively little permanent damage, I'll consider it strongly. If I think it's a great idea that needs to be done for the sake of professional wrestling, I'm doing that shit.

AlexTurner @Monster_about

#AskDanny Do you speak Russia?

About as well as you speak America, I would say. No, I don't. Wish I did, I love the sound of it. I'm only fluent in English (but damn, am I fluent). I speak litt Norsk, sukoshidake Japanese, and un poco Espanol, but not enough of any to have any very meaningful conversations. Sadly.

Laura Nguyen @tifa199524

@DannyHavocSite What do you think about DJ Hyde? #AskHavoc

This question could be answered in one or two choice words, or it could fill up a book. Let's keep it short, and keep my job: He's generally well-intentioned, which is probably his best quality. He has poor people skills and this causes him a helluva lot of grief. He can be very generous at times, and he can also be a loathsome asshole. It's entirely dependent on what day you catch him. I will neither be entirely complementary, nor entirely condemnatory of him. We've had a very tumultuous relationship over the years. I would say "Love/Hate," but I've never truly loved nor hated him. Ultimately, he frustrates and infuriates me to no end, but I don't dislike working with him when he's open-minded. He's not as bad as some people would like to represent him, nor nearly as good as he likes to represent himself. He is what he is.

FG @Leap_0f_Faith

#AskHavoc How many piercings and tattoos do you have and what are they?

I have 7 or 8 tattoos and only three piercings at this point. Used to have more, but my eyebrow rings kept getting torn out during matches, and I was outgrowing the look, anyway. I have a couple of tats that commemorate loved ones who are no longer living, a couple that have to do with my Nordic heritage and my interest in Norse mythology, and a couple that are regrettable, to varying degrees. Lives and learns.

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