A List of the Best Matches In Wrestling History
Compiled entirely without ego by Danny Havoc
CZW "7 Years Strong" 2/11/06: DJ Hyde def. Andy Sumner v. Danny Havoc
STF (Formerly NEXT) 2/15/06: DJ Hyde def. Danny Havoc
CZW "When 2 Worlds Collide" 3/11/06: Nick Gage def. Danny Havoc v. DJ Hyde (Panes of Glass--UVU Title)
STF 3/15/06: Danny Havoc def. DJ Hyde (FCA)
CZW "Any Questions?" 4/15/06: Danny Havoc [sort of] def. DJ Hyde (Tables Match)
CZW "Strictly CZW" 6/10/06: Danny Havoc def. Jigsaw, Hallowicked (Ladder Match--Winner gets match of his choosing)
CHIKARA Pro "YLC 4" 6/23/06: "Anarchist" Arik Cannon def. Danny Havoc (in his Chikara debut!)
GUNG HO Pro Wrestling 7/7/06: Danny Havoc def. Hellaware Assassin, Rayza (Triple-Threat)
CZW "Prelude to Violence" 7/8/06: JC Bailey def. Danny Havoc (Thumbtacks, Barbwire Table)
MBA "WrestleLite 2: Cheaper Than Beer & Pizza" 7/19/06: Team AnDrew def. Danny Havoc/Chris Hero
CZW "Tournament of Death 5" 7/29/06: (Round One) Danny Havoc, DJ Hyde advance over John Zandig (B.W. boards/Panes of Glass); (Round Two) Drake Younger, JC Bailey advance over Danny Havoc, DJ Hyde (Ladders/Lighttubes)
CZW "Trapped" 8/12/06: Wifebeater(!) def. Danny Havoc
MBA "WrestleLite 3" 8/23/06: The Varsity def. HHH (due to absolute bullshit refereeing...Derek Sabato is a bastard)
CZW "Expect the Unexpected" (Like No-Shows!) 9/9/06: Toby Klein def. Drake Younger v. Deranged v. Necro Butcher v. Danny Havoc
CZW "Fear" 10/15/06: Danny Havoc/Necro Butcher def. The Dead Presidents (Street Fight)
MBA "WrestleLite 4.5--The Rain Check" Danny Havoc def. "The Drewdlebug" Drew Gulak
CZW "Night of Infamy 5" Drake Younger def. Danny Havoc ('Random Stuff We Have In the Back, Some of It Wrapped In Barbwire' Match--UVU Title)
CZW "CAGE OF DEATH 8" Pandora's Box def. Danny Havoc, LuFisto, Luke