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Danny Havoc Injury Update

So, unfortunately, my initial assessment of my injury was significantly off-the-mark...

On 8.15.14, when tagging with my good friend MASADA in Big Japan Pro Wrestling, I did a diving forearm from the top rope to the floor (a move I've done hundreds of times) and--in a spot of bad luck--landed very badly on my left leg and rolled my ankle. I initially self-diagnosed it as a bad sprain, and (despite being in a great deal of pain) finished the match. You can see it here: 6:11, the injury occurs. On a side-note, those bastards at Samurai TV cut out a whole lot of cool stuff that MASADA and I did, because hey: we're just enhancement talent for those Japanese wrestlers...god forbid anything cool that we do make the final cut.

At any rate, upon returning to America, I limped around on my "sprained" ankle for about a week, before I finally decided that being tough and being stupid were probably pretty similar in such situations, and went to the ER for X-Rays. Following the X-Rays and a subsequent CAT Scan, it was determined that I had badly broken my talus bone (the central part of the ankle, which allows for flexion of the foot and full range of motion). It's currently up-in-the-air whether or not an operation is going to be necessary, but regardless of how that plays out, I'm likely to be out of action for at least another month or two.

I'm extremely saddened by this, as there were a number of bookings I was very much looking forward to, but I have to prioritize my health first, as there's a good chance that if I don't take care of this properly, I won't be able to run or jump in future, and I will walk with a limp for the rest of my days. Even with proper care, given how much time has passed and the seriousness of the break, there's a looming and ominous possibility that my mobility will be forever altered. I'm hoping that's not the case, but the surgeon with whom I consulted isn't one for bullshitting or sugar-coating, and he said that--surgery or no--he couldn't guarantee that I would ever return to 100%.

I'm certainly hoping that he's wrong, but only time will tell. I apologize to any fans or promoters who were looking forward to seeing me at any of the shows I'm unable to do. I'm still very uncertain as to how long I'm going to be out of action. I'll be sure to keep you, my fans, posted on whatever I learn.

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