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I haven't written anything in some time, partly because it strikes me as a hypocritical exercise in vanity to maintain what--as people so often remind me--is essentially a "BLOG" (shudder), and also because I've been extremely busy in my personal life, primarily with matters involving a fairly drastic and obvious downward spiral. The reason I've decided to emerge from my hiatus and once again grace the internet with my presence is...(drum roll)...Facebook! Hooray! As anyone who knows me to any degree ought to know, this will not be an endorsement of everyone's favorite social media outlet of the moment; however, it will also not be a condemnatory rant against it...In years past, I probably would have conjured up some long-winded diatribe decrying it's relevance in the decay and downfall of society, but I'm at a point where I'm simply well past caring. People are more than welcome to gather all the internet friends they want to, and--while I may still cringe when people at wrestling shows cry out in utter disbelief, "You DON'T have FACEBOOK?!?"--it makes no difference to me. The point of this particular collection of words is this: Please stop making Facebook/Myspace/Whatever's Cool pages about, relating to, or (most especially) IMPERSONATING me. It's rude. I get very weary when people come up to me at shows and say, all hurt and offended, "Why didn't you ever respond to me on Facebook???" To which I'm of course obliged to respond, "I'm sorry, but I don't have a Facebook." As of this afternoon, per a search inspired by a text from Georgieboy Hazar, there were no less than SIX such Facebook entries, not one of which made it clear that they were posted by fans and not me. If you are so inclined to create a fan page about yours truly, I'm thrilled and flattered, and thank you...however, if you make it appear to the wider world that I am the one facilitating said page, you are not being a fan, but rather, an impersonator. And I--as I daresay most people--don't like things to be attributed to me that had nothing to do with me. I choose to eschew social networking because it holds no interest for me, and I don't appreciate having to deal with the fallout from imagined slights that I had nothing to do with.

That said...I recognize and appreciate the irony in the fact that, if I DID have Facebook, I could probably deal with imposters more easily, and that this rant (and it's ilk) would be far more widely-read. Nevertheless, it's a personal choice I've made for the sake of my privacy and solitude, and it shall remain so. I will make this promise now to anyone who has made it this far in the post: if you EVER see a Danny Havoc page on Facebook that claims to be me, it is surely an imposter. If you are a true fan of my work and would like to do me a favor in return for the hours of entertainment I've endeavored to deliver to you, please feel free to disseminate the preceding paragraphs to any wrestling-related forums that you think CZW fans may frequent. Thank you in advance.

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