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Support Stupid Behavior. For The Children's Sake.

The following is about as out-of-character as can be, so take it at face value. I understand that fans are always skeptical of wrestlers/promoters/companies who say “Please support us” (understandably so; whenever Ian Rotten did it, it usually led to some scam or money-making ploy involving a show that didn’t happen or a sale that never resulted in products), but I’m writing this on behalf of myself and the boys in hopes that someone will take notice. I’m not involved in management, but I am privy to a lot of the inside information on how things run, and I can tell you honestly that each and every year, it gets harder and harder to promote Tournament of Death. For some unimaginable reason, most businesses and towns and counties are opposed to having a bloodletting extravaganza in their quiet little communities. Every year, without fail, someone tries to get TOD shut down, more and more permits are required, host businesses back out for fear of liability, and so on. Nonetheless, I and people on my wavelength still believe that it is our right to choose what risks we wish to take, in the pursuit of what we love. I believe firmly in the individual’s right to choose; whether it be abortion or risking one’s health in light tubes and barbed wire for the entertainment of others. I cannot come to terms with the idea that someone else—be they peers, law enforcement, government, or otherwise—has the right to tell me what is acceptable to do with my life and my body. I support any and all laws relating to the prevention and punishment of acts which do harm to the unwilling, but deathmatch wrestling is a form of entertainment where [usually] trained and willing individuals participate in a risky exhibition for the entertainment of others. On that level, I don’t see how it’s any less acceptable than demolition derbies, pugilism, trapeze acts, MMA, or any number of other forms of entertainment that are generally condoned by the masses at this point in time. Philosophizing out of the way, I’d like to ask anyone who enjoys what we do to come out and support us, if possible, or at the very least to pick up the DVD when it comes out and help to keep us afloat. I’m not asking you to buy into any scam or bullshit, just help support something that entertains you so it can continue to exist. Because I will tell you, there sure aren’t a lot of us left doing this. KOTDM is gone, Masters of Pain is done, Baptized in Blood is long forgotten, Carnage Cup is holding on by a thread; TOD is pretty much the last bastion for idiots like myself trying to entertain you by doing risky and BADASS things. Because honestly, if TOD (and CZW, in general) go under, I don’t think there’s anybody out there right now with the money and drive to pick up the ball and run with it. And sure, a lot of the cynical former fans will scoff and say “good riddance,” but I honestly think that some of you out there might miss CZW and the style of entertainment we bring, were it gone. So TOD is in 3 weeks…it’s been rather poorly promoted, but that’s because there’s always a danger of it being shut down by someone with a vendetta or who wishes to impose their morality on us. Think underground punk rock show: we rely on word-of-mouth and diehard fans. Please come out or *BUY* the DVD, and help us keep this going. We’ve got not one but TWO stars from Big Japan Pro Wrestling coming over (which you internet marks know you’ve been begging for ad nauseum for ages… it’s happening, be happy) and a slew of hard-working deathmatch guys who are just dying to satiate your bloodlust. Help us out. Be a pal. See you at TOD?

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