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GCW "Deck The Halls" Synopsis and Notes

Having gotten back to my palatial estate from GCW's "Deck The Halls" event only a few hours ago, I feel compelled to jot down a few thoughts regarding the show, and a variety of related tidbits. Firstly...for a slushy, rainy night only a week before the birthday of our lord, at a show with several last-minute lineup changes, I was very pleased by the enthusiastic crowd who came out to support the "GCW crew" tonight. While the crowd wasn't huge, each and every one of them showed up ready to be entertained, and responsive to our efforts...which (for a performer) is infinitely preferable to a packed house full of cynics and hecklers sitting on their hands or actively in search of an excuse to boo. I can't tell you how much more enthused I am to do what I do for a crowd that seems to genuinely appreciate the effort and respect the sacrifice. Thank you again to all those in attendance. As I said in the "candid" YouTube video I filmed for GCW last week, my interest in seeing them find success with the new direction of their product goes beyond merely wanting another place to earn a few bucks. If I were to tell you that I got into deathmatch wrestling for the money and the fame, then you could be immediately certain that I was cognitively-impaired, and any claims I made to follow would be immediately invalidated as the ramblings of mindless simpleton. As every "objective media source" that has ever done a piece on our gruesome little business INVARIABLY emphasizes during their introductory statements: this is a much-maligned, thankless and widely-disrespected career choice with virtually no chance of prosperity. I assure you that anyone involved in the genre of 'Ultraviolence' is doing so out of a passion for it. There are a million potential catalysts that inspire someone down this path, but ultimately we're all in the game because there's something we love about it. For myriad reasons, I am passionate about this genre of entertainment...I have loved being a part of it, and I want to see it continue, evolve, and flourish to whatever degree possible. In my years at CZW, I've done all that I could to keep the scene interesting and fresh, but that's a big company with a lot of component parts, politics, and sharply-opposing visions. It's like the UN Security Council...hard to get everybody to cooperate so that we can move forward as one. GCW, on the other hand, is a smaller organization on the rise...easier to get everyone moving toward a common goal. That goal is the establishment of an 'East Coast Deathmatch alternative,' centered on new match-ups, fresh ideas, and showcasing underutilized talent with the desire to innovate and reinvent the deathmatch style. It's an ambitious vision with countless hurdles, but it's a goal I can get behind entirely. In case you missed it, Game Changer Wrestling is changing the game. That's all you need to know. All this time you were playing DigDug, but now it's time for Grand Theft Auto. You're gonna have to purchase a whole new console. But it'll be worth it, because DigDug doesn't have a third the hookers to kill during gameplay. Fresh faces like Markus Crane and G Raver have debuted there recently and made quite the impression...somehow, they keep letting that Québécois madman VIKING back over the border, and he's finally getting his due young ward Wrench will be reappearing sooner or later, I'm sure...Deathmatch Mayor, Matt Tremont is a regular...old faces and new: Nate Hatred who comes in all the way from HELL every month, Alabaman Bryant Woods who has earlobes to rival WHACKS, Jimmy Lloyd who boldly pairs sweatpants/socks/sandals, Kyle the Beast who is really Jason Momoa dressed as an alien from Star Trek:TOS...we've got it all...but perhaps our biggest draw lies in what we're without:

Game Changer Wrestling "Where DJ isn't!"

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